Our Heart

The women’s ministry of TPC exists to facilitate a deeper walk with Christ, foster meaningful connections and enfold the women of TPC into the life of our church. We seek to accomplish this through scripture-based study, prayer, service and fellowship. Our goal in all things is to point women to the truth of the gospel. Join our Women’s Facebook group.

Our Ministries


Women’s Bible Study

One-on-one Bible Reading

  • Be paired with one other woman; pick a time and place to meet; then read God’s Word together. Contact Candace Ciarrone at Ccolsen10@outlook.com or 561.660.4051.


  • Engage in a mutual mentoring relationship that may include scripture study, book study, learning life skills, character development, and the daily living out of the Christian faith. Want a mentor? Want to be a mentor? Contact Candace at 561-660-4051.

Your Birthday!

Women Together in Prayer

Mom’s Morning Out

  • A time of fellowship, brunch, and discussion to encourage the hearts of moms of all ages and stages. Contact Ashley at ashlellis@gmail.com.

Meal Trains

  • Serve others in a practical way by providing a meal for families or individuals in need. To get involved, contact Stacey Knorr at staceyknorr@gmail.com.

Women in Crisis

  • Women in Crisis seeks to provide comfort, compassion, and care for women who are experiencing difficult circumstances such as death of a loved one, terminal or debilitating disease, miscarriage, divorce and other extenuating situations. To find support, contact Ashley Cartagena at ashlellis@gmail.com.

Our Team

For all other questions, please feel free to contact any of the following ladies!

Ministry Team

The Ministry Team, composed of the ladies who lead or co-lead each of the aforementioned ministries, seek to invest in the women of Truth Point through the specialty of each of their ministries.  

  • Candace Ciarrone

  • Gwen McCulloch

  • Leigh Soles

  • Alli Morris

  • Jeannie Hochstettler

  • Marilyn Hadley

  • Rebekah Guckian

  • Rhonda Shoemaker

  • Taylor Carranza

  • Lyndsey Morrell

Women’s Ministry Committee

The Women’s Ministry Committee seeks to facilitate a deeper walk with Christ, foster meaningful connections and enfold the women of TPC into the life of our church.

  • Ashley Cartagena

  • Brittany Layman

  • Chelsea VanValin

  • Alex Hubley

  • Brooke Smith

  • Leila Rothe

  • Rachel Bradshaw

  • Stacey Knorr


Help Needed!

If you would like to volunteer your service in any of these areas; have a question or new idea; need prayer; email Women@TruthPoint.org.

  • Hosting homes for Gather Snacks, Drinks, Treats

  • Nursery Care for Bible Study

  • Meals for those in need

  • Graphic Design